Religious Studies 1022A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Himsa, Nonviolence, Pacifism

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Week 10: religion and conflict - exam review. Ambivalence of the sacred all support peace-making efforts and violence on a spectrum. Alienation a charismatic leader will feel alienated or are apart of an isolated environment. Claims over territories resources that have symbolism to them. Greater jihad refers to inward striving for perfect peace. Historical wrongs one group feels that they have been wronged by another group throughout history. Holy war the belief that god commands his followers to enact violence and warfare against other people, which is often portrayed diametrically. Just cause legitimate authority with the right intention. Just conduct non-combatant immunity - proportionate means. Just war the belief that some wars are justified and have the purpose of justice. Lesser jihad refers to political or militant struggle to defend islam. Milhemet mitzvah obligatory war in which jews are commanded to fight. Pacifism a commitment to peace and being against war.