Religious Studies 1022A/B Midterm: Week 4 - Abrahamic Religions

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A. d. in the year of our lord. Allah "the god" - quranic designation for the one god. Animism belief in spirits - the theory that religion originated in reverence for spirits of living beings and intimate objects. Anthropomorphism giving human characteristics to non-human entities. Apocalyptic eschatology revealed teachings about the end times. Baptism recognizes god"s gift of love and forgiveness, the acceptance by the believer and incorporation into the faith community. Bible means book - sacred scriptures for christians consisting of the ot and nt. Canon a standard - refers to the accepted writings that comprise sacred scripture. Covenant (berith) relationship between god and israel, enacted on mt. Diaspora dispersion/scattering - the dispersion of jews away from the jewish homeland to live as minorities in other lands. Divination the practice of foretelling the future through supernatural means. Epistle letter - letters written by key early christian leaders to christian communities they founded, usually offering advice, encouragement and theological reflection.