Religious Studies 1022A/B Midterm: Week 3 - Religion as Myth & Moralscape

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Week 3: religion as myth & moralscape - exam review. Affirmation of loyalty consciously or unconsciously making decisions regarding what is the primary object of concern. Agape giving love that is unconditional and universal, and is given to someone simply because they are there as a person. Anthropology how we define the human person, what it means to be "human". Deontological rules or process determine the result, it is the right thing to do because of a sense of duty of moral obligation - ethics of process. Empirical definition judgements that concern facts and falsifiable predictions that involve the outcomes of alternative routes of actions. Eros desiring love that is evoked by desirable qualities of those who are loved. Ethics a systematic reflection upon human actions, institutions, and character. Expression of the collective unconscious myth helps to surface and bring things up from the unconsciousness.