Sociology 2241E Final: FINAL EXAM NOTES

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Family: a relationship in which people live together with commitment, form an economic unit and care for any young, and consider the group crucial to their identity: reproduction or procreation, socialization, economic, education, religious teaching, recreation, protection. Kinship: a social network of people based on common ancestry, marriage, or adoption. Very important to pre industrial societies because it serves as a means of producing and distributing food and goods (clothing and material to build a shelter) In pre-industrial societies the primary kinship unit is the extended family composed of relatives in addition to parents and children, who all live in the same household. Large households participate in food production during harvesting. Sharing of each others resources shelter and transportation. Nuclear family: a family unit composed of one or two parents and her/his/their depended children who live apart from other relatives. Industrialized in societies functions primarily to regulate sexual activities, socialize children and provide family members with affection and companionship.