Sociology 0010A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Peak Oil, Societal Collapse, Gender Identity

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Part b: what are the foreseen societal impacts of peak oil as sketched in the end of. Collection of people, distinguished by others or by themselves, primarily based on cultural or nationality characteristics. An ethnic group is one"s ascribed membership from birth, characterized by cultural traits and a relative sense of community. It is based off of language, religion, and cultural features, not physical features. The main difference between the two, as is evident, is that race groups people in reference to physical characteristics and ethnicity refers to cultural features. Gender roles refer to the attitudes, behaviors and activities that are seen as socially acceptable for each sex. These gender roles are learned through socialization and are different between sexes. Gender identity is people"s perception of themselves as either male or female. If you perceive yourself as a boy you will think you are supposed to behave like a boy.