Sociology 1020 Study Guide - Final Guide: Population Ageing, Downtown Eastside, Selective School

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Chapter 23: on being sane in insane places (pg. Admitting normal people (who have never suffered from a psychiatric disorder) to be admitted to psychiatric hospitals, and determined if others saw them as insane. Called the normal people pseudopatients - created false symptoms, name, vocation and employment. Patients noticed normality in the pseudopatients meanwhile the staff didn"t. Physicians operate with a bias toward type 2 error: false positive, type 2: physicians more inclined to call a health person sick, false negative, type 1: physicians less inclined to call a sick person healthy. Labeling occurs in psychiatric assessment if you were once labeled schizophrenic, can"t get rid of the label. Staff never assumed behaviour was due to social environment, attributed it to their pathology if they don"t do anything bizarre that shows they have the disorder, they go into remission . Pseudopatients begin to internalize their diagnosis and behaves accordingly had powerlessness deprived of legal rights.