Sociology 1020 Study Guide - Final Guide: Chapter 27, Mcjob, Cyberbullying

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Format: 50-55 multiple choice questions, covering the lectures, textbook, and reader articles, ~1/3 from lecture, ~1/3 from your textbook, and ~1/3 from your reader (images of society) articles. As you are studying: 1 essay question. Must hand in both the exam & scantron, otherwise your exam will not be marked. Chapter 14- 2006 census: families, marital status . The inside is all the beauty that everyone inside can see. This is similar to how sociologists can study religion. Universals: religion in some form or another exists everywhere, religious forms and behaviours vary wildly. Goals of any religion: recruitment and reproduction, socialization, teaching members the norms and practices, provide satisfactory level of goods and services, food, shelter, clothing, salvation, order, motivating members to pursue group goals, maintaining a sense of purpose. Effects of increasing group size: consensus declines, not everyone can interact with each other, increased deviance. (ex alcohol, increasing formalization of norms, increasing role specification, greater need for coordination.