Sociology 1020 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Social Stratification, Blue-Collar Worker, Labeling Theory

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Deviance the recognised violation of cultural norms. Can range from stealing from a bookstore to sexual assaulting someone. Much more than a matter of individual choice. Crime the violation of a society"s formally enacted criminal law. Composed of two elements: the act itself (or failure to act) and criminal intent. Social control - attempts by society to regulate people"s thoughts and behaviours. Often informal, impose by family or peers. Criminal justice system a formal response by police, courts, and prison officials to alleged violations of the law. Genetics factors (i. e. defective genes) and environmental factors (i. e. Genetics factors (i. e. defective genes) and environmental factors (i. e. abuse in early life) are strong predictors of crime and violence in adulthood. Physical features are not predispositions of criminal behaviour. Staying out of trouble is linked to the ability to control deviant impulses. Some serious psychopaths do not feel guilt/shame/fear of punishment. Most serious crimes are committed by people whose psychological profiles are normal.