Sociology 2140 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Postmodern Architecture, Latte, For Marx

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100 multiple choice (2 hours during class schedule): Everyday practices: the everyday practices that are part of people"s commonplace and taken for granted activities. (even a caf latte some cherish as an everyday ritual reflects a geography, history, and economy of power relations) The places we sleep, the places we shop, the products we buy, the places we shop, and the magazines we read are all part of a system of corporate consumerism. Heterosexuality is able to maintain its privileged position as the normal and natural sexual expression. (whiteness is also another social characteristic that occupies the centre) To unpack the centre means to explore the taken for granted features of dominant forms of social organization. The centre is: a position of social advantage / a standpoint from which those who occupy the centre see the world / sustained through what are typically unmarked and unnamed cultural practices.