Sociology 2144A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Homeschooling, Hidden Curriculum, Eurocentrism

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Document Summary

Sociologists want to know how this form of socialization affects and it affected by other social structures, experiences and outcomes. Macro: sociologists work to identify how various social forces, such as politics, economics, culture, etc. creates variation in schools. Micro: sociologists look to identify how variation in school practices lead to differences in individual-level student outcomes. Formal education is required; it is the centre to success. Education is a major social agent, bigger than religion, politics or the economy. Public education is relatively new, it became compulsory in 1871. Compulsory public schooling was to instill appropriate modes of thought and behaviour in children. Designed not around sharing academic knowledge, but in an effort to solve wider social problems such as crime, poverty, idleness and vagrancy. A lot of the education system we have now was created to control behaviour in the military. 3 main causes of social problems the led to a requirement of public schooling.