Sociology 2151A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Ruling Class, Urban Age, Capital Accumulation

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Final: december 19th 2-4 semi cumulative: covers chapter 5/6 (urban ecology, theories) They came for trade/wealth, and to convert the aboriginals to the christian faith missionaries were sent over: the explorers were urbanites; knew what cities were composed of, and they brought these ideas to canada, early europeans: military, missionaries, _________. Childe would say no, however they inhabited a decent amount of his characteristics. Peter mcgahan: evolution of canadian cities: colonial towns: Not much different than a medieval town. *1763: british north america act= control swings from the french to the british. They wanted a strong colonial empire, were into mercantilism: trade. Strength of an empire is determined by its wealth. England in the 1760s: phase 2 of the demographic transition. Creation of the lawyers: handled transactions of property. Diversification due to the migrants from europe. English speaking were coming from europe thus they went to toronto: metropolitan communities. Toronto and montreal reach state of metropolitan area: 1900s.