Sociology 2172A/B Study Guide - Classified Advertising, Primary Motive, James Vicary

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11 Jul 2014

Document Summary

Advertising is a very considerable part of our total culture, it is not separable from any of the other activities of our world. marshall mcluhan. All advertising advertises advertising ad clutter / ad fatigue people are hit with too many ads they are just tired. Advertising is the most powerful determining human behavior in our society. Social institutions (e. g. religion, family, advertising is one of the most prominent) Society"s values are affected by advertising (e. g. social advertising . E. g. no longer cool to drink and drive. Culture and advertising impact each other, one reflects / creates the other. Some brands don"t advertise the product, they advertise the image/status of things. Agents of social control (e. g. police, parents, peer groups) control how one behaves. Advertising is also another agent of social control. There are scientific processes that back up studies and discoveries in sociology. Large monetary and social resources are distributed to advertising.