Sociology 2205A/B- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 107 pages long!)

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Percentages, ratios and rates, tables, charts, and graphs. Proportion (p) = f/n range from 0-1. 0. Percentage (%) = (f/n) x 100 range from 0-100. * f = frequency, or the number of cases in any category. * n = the number of cases in all categories: proportions and percentages are easier to read and comprehend than frequencies see patterns easier. 2. 4 frequency distributions for variables measured at the nominal and ordinal levels. Ordinal level variables: use same routines as nominal, percentage columns heighten the clarity of the table. Intervals of unequal size are sometimes allowed in order to keep the data compact and efficient. Chapter 3: measures of central tendency and dispersion. Measures of central tendency: statistics that summarizes a distribution of scores by reporting the most typical or representative value of the distribution. Mode: the value that occurs most frequently: ex.