[Sociology 2246A/B] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (70 pages long)

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Perspective (sometimes referred to as a paradigm) an overall image/viewpoint guiding the thoughts/research on a particular subject matter structural functionalism, conflict. Theory a set of logically interrelated statements that attempt to explain & predict how/why social events in the everyday are related. The journey begins by: critically regarding issues from various points of view & theories examination of similarities & differences, understanding our own self experiences by becoming aware of/understanding others. The sociological imagination enables one to distinguish between personal troubles & public/social issues. An incident of personal troubles is often a result of social/structural change. As a result- it is important to look beyond the personal realm into greater social structures. Medicine became important late 19th + early 20th centuries. Sociology in medicine: stays within the medically defined topics supports the power of the current system. Sociology of medicine: critical study of health care workers & delivery of medicine . Questions the existing structures & the current ideology.