Sociology 2260A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Town Crier, Halifax Gazette, False Advertising

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Advertising for a product was non-existent before the industrial revolution. Most of our advertising is lacking information, meant to catch your attention. Advertising locations where something was going on or services that were being offered. 1200 bc: painted or carved messages on stones for events. 6th century bc: town criers (dressed in a certain way to get your attention and announced whatever it is they are paid to announce. form of advertising. was the first state sanctioned form of advertising, and the most common. Able to reach a lot of people, very portable, very persuasive. People would become town criers then move on, very costly to pay them for a day"s work, sometimes unreliable, sometimes was in a very bad mood and ineffective. Still have oral media, even though there is a slight move towards literacy. Wasn"t a requirement to read, if you were taking schooling it was through churches.