Sociology 2266A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Youth Justice Board, Anti-Social Behaviour Order, Theresa May

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Document Summary

New government new approach to youth crime, revolutionary change. Multi-agency working; youth offending teams- consist of representatives from the police, health, local authority (social services) and representatives from charities. The act wanted to bring all these agencies together, with a shared objective. Prevention, so they could share information and data. System monitoring; youth justice board- young offender institutions, a majority of practitioners are youth offending team workers, created this new organisational management system to monitor youths. In 1998, this act radically changed the youth justice system, its aim was preventing crime; a new strategy. It had to be effective, efficient, and economical. Very closely monitors performance of the system. The 3 main statistical measures are; reduction in young people who come into the youth justice system for the first time, reduce reoffending levels and reduce custody levels. Reprimand; final chance; then court- 3 strikes and then you"re out approach.