Statistical Sciences 2037A/B Final: Seven Critical Components

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Some of these questions are directly related to the seven critical components. Others are more general questions that require thinking carefully about the course material (in the way you might when applying the components). Moore (1999, p. 19) reports the following contradictory evidence: the advice columnist, ann landers, once asked her readers, if you had it to do over again, would you have children?" she received nearly. 10 000 responses, with almost 70% saying no!" a professional nationwide random sample commissioned by newsday polled 1373 parents with the same question and found that 91% would have children again. A headline in an online newspaper reads, evidence of a new cancer-beer connection. study investigators found that men who drank more than 500 ounces of beer per month were three times more likely to develop cancer than non-drinking men. Suppose a study was conducted to determine if men and women had the same views on marriage.