Statistical Sciences 2037A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: 40 Minutes, Box Plot, Quartile

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Some public commentators argue that millions of canadians are so addicted to youtube (an online video site) that their viewing habits fit the criteria for substance abuse, as defined in the diagnostic and. An informal poll asks a random sample of 110 young adults, in the past seven days, how many days did you watch videos on youtube? the data from this poll is summarized below: The researchers subdivided the amount of time using a screen into three levels based on duration (i. e. less than 20 minutes was classified as low", 20-40 minutes classified as medium", and more than 40 minutes as. The data they collected are summarized in the boxplot shown to the right. The distribution of number of hours slept for the low level of screentime is likely right-skewed. The low level of screentime is associated with the largest range for number of hours slept.