[Women's Studies 1020E] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (38 pages long!)

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Lecture 14 reproductive health & reproductive justice. Many things in society today affect our lives as reproductive beings. The products we purchase affect our reproductive being. We plan our lives around when we are menstruating and when we are having children. Forms of contraception that work best for individuals. The decision of whether or not you want to have children and how many you want to have, how you are going to space them out, handling fertility in between each child; this also affects your career. Your whole life is based around you being a reproductive being; begins in the teenage years and continues as an integral part of your story for the rest of your life. Eugenics was termed by the cousin of charles darwin. Eugenics believed that mental defects were passed through genetics and could only be controlled by sterilization. The goal was to create the perfect canadian citizen.