[2161A/B] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 58 pages long Study Guide!

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Wom e n "s s t u d i e s 2 1 6 1 a / b. What were the nale ratings for game of thrones season 5: ~8. 2 million ppl watched it, but then theres also ppl that watch it on net ix etc. How many copies of adeles latest album sold in its opening week: less than a week, just in the states 3 million, not everyone probably loved it. Quantifying with numbers and percentages does not necessarily provide a full picture. The culture thats left over once we consider what is high brow (art, ballet etc) High culture is considered more elitist because less people are interested: e. g. , most ppl would rather go to a rock concert than a ballet. To be worthwhile or high brow", it has to be dif cult: i don"t get it ensures exclusivity status. Pop culture is considered as 2nd best for those who are unable to appreciate real" culture.