Women's Studies 2220E- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 46 pages long!)

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Lawson hall 3236 kjverwaa@uwo. ca: office hours: wednesdays 3-4:30pm and by appointment, not available on thursdays, email with ws2220e in the subject line. Send email again if no response in 48 hours. Lawson hall 3235: office hours: mondays 11-12pm and by appointment. Lawson hall 3241: thursday 1:30-2:30pm and by appointment. Assignments term 2: exams are not cumulative, participation: 5% Course texts: most of the course readings are on owl. Joan crate, pale as real ladies: daphne marlatt, ana historic. Theory: different lenses, multiple approaches, questioning what we understand to be true, and why/how it"s true - how power structures affect this. When you use non-inclusive language, you create realities for people, effects of alienation: thinking is a form of doing, when we change thinking, that is a kind of doing in itself. If our biases were conscious, we would be better at tackling them. Sometimes we are produced as the effects of these isms, that we"re not fully conscious of.