Women's Studies 2283F/G- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 61 pages long!)

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Wom e n "s s t u d i e s 2 2 8 3 f / g. Born in freibers, moracioa (pribor, czech republic) Grew up in austria, became a doctor (studied coca cocaine) Superego: conscience, product of socialization and parental inculcation. Ego: where the id and the superego compete for dominance. Pleasure (id) principle: driving force that guides id to seek immediate gratification and avoid pain reality (ego) principle: governs the ego and compels the deference of gratification, acknowledging existence of external. Morality (superego) principle: overarching motivator for responsible and socially acceptable behviour. Period of sexual development from birth to around 6 years of age. Freudian concepts: infantile sexuality: period of sexual development from birth to around 6 years of age, instinct or drive. Freud"s three essays on the theory of sexuality (1905-1915) 2: neuroses and perversions, deviations (regressions) from the normal psychosexual process, homosexuality; frigidity. Abnormal sexual desire that is attracted to a particular object.