Writing 2111F/G Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Nail Polish, Body Fluid, Hand Washing

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Two centuries ago, nearly 25% of women died in hospitals while giving birth (western. This left one in four children without mothers, all for the same reason; contaminated hands spreading the deathly childbed fever". Only once dr. sammeweis ordered medical practitioners to wash their hands before assisting in labour, did this mortality rate drop to under one percent (western university 17). Since then the centre for disease control and. Prevention has named hand washing, the single most important means of prevention the spread of infection (western university 18). The moment a patient enters a hospital, their health is in the hands of health care practitioners and volunteers. As student nurses and volunteers, you have a taken on a vital role to assist those in need to the best of your ability. However, in order to do this, you, first, must be heathy and pathogen free; something that is virtually impossible without proper handwashing.