BU288 Study Guide - Final Guide: Central Tendency, Stereotype, Job Performance

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Perception the goal of our perceptual system is fast and good enough (helpful but can lead to biases). Social identity theory- a theory that states that people form perceptions of themselves based on their personal characteristics and memberships in social categories. Observe someone"s behaviour -> ask yourself (was the personal responsible for that or was it situational) -> personal responsible (dispositional attribution) or situation responsible (situational attribution) When we are trying to figure out the cause of someone"s behaviour, we act like detectives and consider three pieces of evidence (cues) - ccd. Consistency- does this person consistently act this way; attribution cues that reflect how consistent a person engages in behaviour over time: high consistency person responsible, low consistency situation responsible. Consensus is this behaviour similar to other people in this situation; attribution cues that reflect how a person"s behaviour compares with that of others: low consensus- person, high consensus- situation. The actor (person doing it) will think it"s situational.