GS232 Study Guide - Final Guide: Utopia, Pacifism, Noble Eightfold Path

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6 Apr 2016

Document Summary

Human nature is selfish, greedy, power-oriented, pessimistic. States do anything for more power than others. States are the only important global powers. Continuity tends to see history"s conflicts over and over. Every trading partner could be a threat. Cooperation is difficult because of the nature of the anarchic system we live in. It"s in my self-interest to see my competitors do poorly. Us and china if china has recession, us is happy. Power = working collectively to achieve common goals. Ongoing collaboration with other countries for mutual benefit. Enlightened self-interest : my self-interest is enhanced when the self-interest of my neighbour is enhanced. Matter set rules for international behaviour plays out. More prosperous we are, the more we can protect ourselves. Negative peace (best we can do given the anarchy we live in) War = legitimate tool of foreign policy. Need to address problems to create more stable world. Source of structural violence is root cause of conflict.