HI114 Study Guide - Sarah Good, Dorothy Good, Spectral Evidence

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The old colony of new england, which is now massachusetts. Typically women are associated with witchcraft however in salem men as well were accused of witchcraft. Puritans- religious descendants in new england between 1620-1640 who leave england due to impurity. They hope to provide a new religious community in the new world to show the corruption in the. They however did not leave all old world ideas behind one example is their belief in witchcraft. In the middle ages the church and witchcraft coincided with no issues but in the twelfth century the church begins to seek out and remove disbelievers from society including gays, jews and witches. It was a summary of all that was known to the church about witches up until 1487. Malleus maleficarum- book created by german monks (hemet of the withces) Often used in the hunting of withces.