PS287 Study Guide - Final Guide: Childlessness, Intimate Partner Violence, Domestic Violence

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6 Dec 2013

Document Summary

Almost everything we do in our lives involves some sort of human contact. Simple things like arguments, praise, sexual activity, cuddling a child, humiliation, and human triumphs all affect the heart. We hold relationships with family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers all of which have the potential to act at social support, which influencing health. Quantitative and qualitative types of support quantitative dimensions: referred as structural measures. Typically assess the sixe of social network/number of social relations qualitative dimensions: referred as functional measures. Address the questions of what functions networks serve. Network members can provide emotional (love, caring), instrumental (concrete assistance ex. Running an errand), or informational (guidance, advice) support. Also more likely to have someone available to talk to when distressed. Women more likely to perceive that support is available from network members. Many reasons why men have a lack of support. More reluctant to ask for help because of the emphasis on independence.