PS295 Study Guide - Final Guide: Confounding, Interrupted Time Series, Dependent And Independent Variables

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3 Dec 2015

Document Summary

The empiricism cannon of the scienti c method states that new knowledge is gained from: observations, internal validity intuitively valid, face. The parsimony canon of the scienti c method states that: the simplest explanation of a phenomenon is most likely to be correct. The determinism canon of the scienti c method that: phenomena have observable causes. The testability canon of the scienti c method states that: explanations of phenomena should be able to be falsi ed if they are incorrect. Suppose that a participant completes a task in a research study faster than he or she would have completed the task outside the study (i. e. , in their natural surroungs). This would be an example of: the hawthorne effect. Confounding variables primarily threaten the _______ of a study. _________ validity means that on the surface, a study or scale appears to be. Unlike quantitative researchers, most qualitative researchers do not consider.