ADMS 1010 Study Guide - Final Guide: International Financial Institutions, Our Common Future, Cash Flow Statement

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Document Summary

Curious (explore issues, try new approaches & viewpoints) Business dominant of our time, age of the expert, ethics. 1st collegiate business schools est. around turn of century (1900s) Reflected the rise of the modern, publicly traded corporation. Original intent was to develop a professional degree. ^manage corp. in the interest of stakeholders (employees, shareh. , customers . ) Cargnegie & ford foundations commission studies of business education in the late 1950s. 2 main ways to teach (lecture & case) Facts = managers work at fast pace, many hours. Fact = many regular duties (ritual, negotiations, process info linking to org. ) Myth = managers need aggregated info by formal management. Fact = managers favor verbal media, calls & meetings. Myth = management is a science & profession. Fact = managers use schedule time, process info, make decisions. ^making contacts outside the vertical chain of command. Understanding claims & how they"re presented can be effective.