ADMS 2400 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cognitive Distortion, Expectancy Theory, Long-Term Memory

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Motivation: motivation is a set of energetic forces which determines the direction, intention and persistence of an employees" work effort. Motivation is important for it is a predictor of job performance alongside ability. There are two types of motivation: intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation: desire to put forth work effort because there is a contingency relative to its completion; reward is separate from the task and usually applied from some other - bonuses, raises, recognition. Intrinsic motivation: desire to put forth work effort because the completion of it in itself is a reward; reward is related to the work/task; usually self applied- job satisfaction, enjoyment, learning in the environment etc. Motivation isn"t enough however; moderators include appropriate tools, skills, environment, level, chance, knowledge, ability etc. Expectancy theory: cognitive processes that employees" go through when making choices amongst different voluntary actions.