ADMS 2600 Study Guide - Final Guide: Alternative Dispute Resolution, Collective Bargaining, Workplace Bullying

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Three regimes of employment law: common law of employment. A body of (cid:498)case law(cid:499) that considers the meaning and application of employment contracts: statutory employment regulations. Legal entitlement that derive from government legislation: collective bargaining legislation and labour arbitration. The common law of employment does not apply to a collective agreement. Referred by the labour arbitrator to settle or resolve a. Understanding the individual employment contract grievance alleging that the collective agreement has been violated: valid contract requires mutual consideration, constructive dismissal. When employer commits a fundamental breach of contract, such as by unilaterally changing a key term of the contract. Dismissal of a non-union employee: summary dismissal. An employer dismisses a non-union employee without any notice if the employee has committed a serious breach of the contract, such as: Engaging in significant dishonesty, gross incompetence, sexual harassment, or workplace bullying or violence: wrongful dismissal.