ANTH 1120 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Fordism, Etsy, White Point

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Winter final exam review (underlined = terms in textbook glossary) Deiniions (prepare 1-2 sentence answers) precarious work favela neoliberalism regulated market: a market where the government controls the forces of supply and demand, such as who is allowed to ente the market or what prices might be charged. This control may require market paricipants to comply with environmental standards, product-safety speciicaions, informaion disclosure requirements and so on. unregulated/"free" market (ca 202-3) Imf &world bank: imf founded in 1944 at the beton woods conference to regulate currency transacions among countries. The imf now makes loans and regulates the economies of lending countries. World bank is one of the insituions created by breton woods, new hampsphire, meeing in 1944 allied naions. Fire market externaliies: costs that are not included in the price people pay, such as health risks and environmental degradaion. subsistence producion. Industrial revoluion social/cultural construct: concepts and meanings built up through pracice and in everyday life.