BIOL 1001 Final: Biol 1001 Learning Outcomes 1

264 views2 pages
23 Feb 2017

Document Summary

D11 relate and justify characteristics of an organism to their suitability as model organisms in evolutionary studies. Rapid production(perform many experiments in short amount of time) Large number of offspring (in genetics, many offspring genotype and phenotypes need to be assessed to get large sample size) D8 discuss adaptations, explaining why: there are limits to adaptation; not all traits are adaptative; why adaptation is not universally good; and how an organism s phenotype represents a compromise or tradeoff between the adaptive value of multiple traits. Evolution by natural selection does not lead to perfection. Carrying an array of traits that have no function, the adaptations that organisms have are constrained. Fitness is ability of an individual to produce offspring relative to ability of other individuals within the population. Fitness is reproductive contribution to next generation and fitness compared within your species.