BIOL 1001 Study Guide - Final Guide: Phenetics, Polyploid, Mitochondrion

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Biol 1001 learning objectives (march evolution lectures 20 through 27) [comprehension, knowledge: given a scenario or set of circumstances, determine which species concept would be most appropriate to determine if two organisms were the same species. [application: be prepared to explain the shortcomings or limitations of the morphological and the biological species concepts [comprehension, recognize that mimicry can result in the convergence of phenotypic patterns. [knowledge: describe or recognize the geographic pattern for a ring species [knowledge, describe and recognize examples of pre-zygotic and post-zygotic isolating mechanisms. [comprehension, analysis, application: connect the concept of clades with cladogensis, speciation, synapomorphies, and monophyletic groupings. [comprehension: define and describe the two major geographic modes of speciation: allopatric and sympatric. [knowledge, comprehension: provide an example of allopatric and sympatric speciation. [knowledge, application: describe and explain the significance of polyploidy in the speciation of organisms, and distinguish between allopolyploidy and autopolyploidy. [comprehension: describe the role of hybridization in the creation of new species.