BIOL 2030 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Circulatory System, Bryozoa, Conchiolin

103 views6 pages
22 Sep 2019

Document Summary

Midterm 2 - review part 2 (of final exam review) Lophophore ciliated tentacles for feeding: food capture and respiration, evolved twice. Clade brachiozoa: contains brachiopods with phoronids, one group is shelled and the other is wormlike, phylum brachiopoda (lamp shells) (3rd image, approx. 300 living species, but 30,000 species in fossil record: attached, bottom-swelling, marine forms that inhabit shallow waters, look like bivalve molluscs, articulate: connecting hinge with interlocking tooth-and-socket arrangement. Inarticulate: held together by muscles only: phylum phoronida, 10 small, wormlike species; few mm to 30 cm, secrete a leathery or chitinous tube in which it lies free, but never leaves, blood contain hemoglobin. Image: phoronis: phylum nemertea (ribbon-shaped worms) (4th image, approx. 90,000 living species & 70,000 fossils species; chitons, snails, clams, octopuses; mainly marine, but some are terrestrial or freshwater. Ecological relationships & importance: most are marine; herbivorous grazers, predaceous carnivores, filter feeders, and parasites, originated in the sea.