BIOL 3200 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Henri Dutrochet, Franz Unger, Theodor Schwann

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19 Apr 2017

Document Summary

Chapter 7 the myth of cell theory. For evolutionary biology, the cell theory pointed towards/emphasized the unity of life; that every organism is or at some time had been a cell. Instead, brisseau de mirbel and lamarck: 2nd tenet, henri dutrochet and j. p. f. Virchow all contributed to the idea that cells arise only from the division of pre-existing cells. Research on cells led to technological improvements in things like microscopy which ultimately led to the ability to study microbes and germs. Louis pasteur and robert koch led the research in this field. If microbes (life) could be formed spontaneously, then the idea of special creation (idealism and vitalism) could be argued against. In 1859, virchow defined the organism as (cid:862)a society of living cells, a tiny well-ordered state(cid:863) consisting of living members of a common origin: haeckel compared cells to law-abiding citizens in an orderly state.