KINE 2050 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Multimodal Distribution, Standard Deviation, Pencil

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Kine 2050 3. 0 analysis of data in kinesiology. This exam is worth 20% of the total course mark. Record your name and student number on the scantron sheet provided. Ensure that your student number is correctly filled in. Failure to do so will result in a loss of 2 marks. Answer all questions on the scantron sheet. Ink or hard lead pencils will not be scored. If you change an answer use a high quality eraser to completely remove the previous mark. At the conclusion of the exam you must submit both the exam question sheet and the scantron answer sheet. Failure to submit both will result in a grade of zero [0]. This is a closed book exam and no additional aids are permitted. This includes formula sheets, memory aids, notes, and electronic devices like computers, cell phones, etc. Calculators without alphanumeric programmable memories and statistical functions may be used.