[KINE 3020] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 24 pages long Study Guide!

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Document Summary

Movement arises from perception & action system interaction; with cognitive system affecting both at various levels. Brain stuctures organize in both hierarchies and parallel systems. Higher brain centres integrates input from many lower areas. Higher levels affect the response to specifically accomplish tasks. Lower levels execute the actions from higher centres and lower levels. Same signal simultaneously processed; variation of functions. Brain function divided into various processing levels. Level: lowest of perception & action hierarchy. Function: initial reception of info, somatosensory info process, motor neurons & motor control. Simple sensory input motor output relationship. Motor neurons = last process level before muscle activation (aka final. Contains nuclei; important for postural control and locomotion. Control output to neck, face, eyes critical for hearing and taste. Ascending & descending pathways transmit sensory and motor info to cns. Somatosensory input from head muscles and skin. Sensory input from visual system, vestibular system. Input from: 1) spinal cord 2) cerebellum 3) motor cortex.