MGMT 4100- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 23 pages long!)

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Map: time for revisions: the length of time required to revise a sensor (change positioning) varies. Slight revisions complete in 3-4 months; more extensive changes are most of a year. When you have more than one product under revision, the overall revision time lengthens. So, if you create a new product that comes out in june. It is only perceived as 0 years old in june. You must build the plant one year prior to when you want to introduce the new product. Note that you can produce up to twice this amount by running a second shift, but will be overtime. Overtime costs 50% more than the first-shift labor costs. ix. Then, enter an automation rating (higher automation, lower labor costs. However, higher automation projects take longer to create): the investment row shows the total cost of buying capacity and automation. xi. Your total cost cannot exceed the dollar amount shown in the maximum investment cell.