NATS 1540 Final: NATS 1540 - Exam Review.doc

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Final exam review: dinosaurs - warm or cold. Dinosaurs, a very short introduction (p. 110-121: cold-blooded: take on the temp. of surroundings, controlling own body temp. through external factors (ex. sun/heat, warm-blooded: remain a constant temp. , can make their own body heat when ex. cold outside. Ectotherms spend a lot of time basking in the sun to warm their bodies. Dinosaur sophistication and brain size (p. 113-115) : overall sophistication of dinosaur body design and function similar to modern endotherms, ectos: smaller brains, temp. vary throughout 24 hour cycle, endos: larger brains, require stable temp. to sustain it. Bipedals believed to be smarter than reptile-like dinosaurs. Latitudinal distribution (p. 115): polar regions in cretaceous period: supports the idea that dinosaurs are endotherms or else they cannot survive: However, fossils show that the weather in high latitude places were sometimes mild, and had vegetation - therefore, dinosaurs may only be migrating, not necessarily residing there.