NATS 4205- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 27 pages long!)

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Bilateral symmetry: 2 identical halves (like humans) Exoskeleton: external skeleton (vs. our internal skeleton) Chitin: long chain sugars in the exoskeleton (vs. calcium in our internal skeleton) Embryologically: one pair of appendages per segment (legs or wings) Appendages for feeding: extensions of external skeleton, for feeding. Hemocoel: (vs. coelom - our tube of organs/systems etc) hemocoel is soft or liquid & organs are bathing in liquid that is equivalent to our blood. No cilia: hairs (but have seta/setae equivalent as hairs but chemically/structurally di erent) Ventral nerve cord + dorsal brain: nervous system coordinated with the brain. Segmentation: (all below are arthropods but only one is an insect) (a) centipede/chilopoda & (b) millipede/diplopoda: head (small) & trunk (rest of body) (c) cray sh/crustacea: cephalothorax (cephalo + thorax merged together) & abdomen. (d) grasshopper/insecta: head + thorax + abdomen. Thorax function: locomotion (thorax only when legs are attached & no thorax, trunk is for locomotion)