PPAS 1110 Study Guide - Final Guide: Omnipotence, Intime, Safe Sex

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Lecture bureaucracy: rule of the office holders -> often was not used as a positive term social sciences really came of age alongside the emergence of the western liberal. None had a main interest in bureaucracy. Marx vs. mosca and democracy: mosca was more supportive of a bourgeois democracy (we call this liberal democracy), but marx saw this is as slightly better than a democracy. Mosca saw that the technocratic power of bureaucracy posed a threat to freedom (like. Michels was not so sure that bureaucracy"s technocratic power could be controlled by democratic political parties, or even that this control was a good idea. Power: ability to carry out one"s will despite resistance. Domination: when power is organized in a hierarchy it increases the chances an order will be obeyed. Authority: when obedience is based not on threats but a belief that a command is legitimate. Legitimacy: turns power and domination into authority.