PSYC 3260 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Maine De Biran, Basal Ganglia, Caudate Nucleus

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Classical conditioning: basic paradigm, us ur, ns us ur, cs cr, can be used to get rid of phobias, what sort of association is learned in cc, stimulus-response association the cs is directly associated with the cr. That is, the cs directly causes the cr to occur. Cs response: only one type of association is stored. The cr which was extinct, reemerges, but it is not as strong as before savings when learning a previous association, less time is required to do so than the first time it was learned. Mere exposre effect people prefer things they already have been exposed to one or more times. Meaning that skills start out in memory as conscious, declarative memories, but with practice, the develop mopre and more into automatic procedural memories that are not open to conscious awareness. Implicit memory (nondeclarative) and many other researchers distinguish between implicit and explicit memory.