ANT-4350 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, Paramesonephric Duct, Intersex

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16 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Tdf testis determining factor (gonads to male pathway) Indifferent gonad develop in the 5th week (ambipotent) M llerian ducts (a. k. a. paramesonephric ducts) female sex accessory ducts (ovuducts, cervix, uterus, upper vagina) Wolffian ducts (a. k. a. mesonephric ducts) male sex accessory ducts. Anti-mullerian hormone (amh) causes regression of mullerian ducts. Dihiydrotestosterone (dht) induces development of prostate, penis, scrotum and facial hair. Androgen insensitivity gonads will be made, but not descend, female external genitalia, duct regression. Hypospadias/epispadias urethra placement is abnormal on males (under, above) Abnormalities of non sex chromosomes usually result in a non viable embryo, so they cannot be found in living adults, while more sex chromosome abnormalities are viable, and can even have no symptoms. Differing levels of estrogens and androgens than normal, receptor issues during development. The uterine cycle progesterone during secretory, estrogen too, others during ovulation) Corpus luteum secretes progesterone after releasing an egg, disintegrates if egg is not fertilized.