CSD-2259 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Phoneme, Reduplication, Intentionality

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Chapter 1: fundamentals of communication sciences and disorders. Be able to give an example of each. Be able to name and describe each. Be able to differentiate between communication, language, and speech. Be able to differentiate between content, form, and use. Be able to define and describe each of these systems. Be able to describe and give an example of each. Be able to describe and give examples of each. Give examples of what happens during each stage. Be able to identify sounds that are achieved early, middle, and later. Be able to describe and give examples of: final consonant deletion, reduplication, cluster reduction, consonant harmony. Explain the achievements in form, content, and use for preschoolers and school age kids. Chapter 5: communication disorders in a multicultural world. What are two important building blocks of cultural competence (as discussed in the lecture, refer to the pyramid graphis)