SOC-1110 Study Guide - Final Guide: Family And Medical Leave Act Of 1993, Marital Rape, Open Adoption

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9 May 2017

Document Summary

Social exchange theory (being kind to someone and in return receive kindness) Rewards of difficulties of parenting: role conflict: this is what happens when two or more roles contradict each other, 2 or more statuses, role strain: involves conflicts that someone feel within one role, 1 status. Absentee father: reason, having babies during the teen years and not being able to provide financially, deserting unwed mothers, incarceration, and physical or mental disabilities, drug abuse, divorce and not paying child support. Increase their children"s likelihood of economic and social deprivation. Infertility: artificial insemination a medical procedure in which semen is artificially introduced onto the vagina or uterus at about the time of ovulation. Birth control: still focus on abstinence only. Family violence: the socialization process often propagates rape culture and encourages violence against women, we are more likely to be injured by a family member than a stranger at any time during our lives.