MKT 300 Study Guide - Final Guide: Life Insurance, Pearson Education

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Products are items consumed for personal or business use: every product is defined by a set of attributes that include its features, functions, benefits and uses. Benefits define a products" utility, or what the product does for a customer. Customer products are products that directly fulfill the desires of consumers and are not intended to assist in the manufacture of other products. Convenience products such as potato chips or chewing gum are bough frequently with little or no advanced planning. Shopping products are more complex and are bought less frequently than convenience products. Specialty products have unique characteristics, like highly prized brand names or one- of-a-kind features. Unsought products such as life insurance or funeral planning, are items consumers often do not like to think about purchasing. Discontinuous innovations things like cell phones and personal computers. Items that change our everyday lives in dramatic ways. Product style refers to the visual appearance of a product.