POS 210 Study Guide - Final Guide: Invisible Hand, Wabash River, Toadies

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Socialism, in all its forms, arises in reaction to private property, to exploitation of the poor, and to gross inequ alities the disparity betwe e n rich and poor. Socialism also reacts to liberalism and its emph a sis on the individual. Socialists favor equality over liberty , as kolakowski"s quotation indicate s, and comm u nity over individuality . No, for socialists oppose hierarchy and are on the side of society at large over particular groups like a guild or parish. It is socialist citizenship that is more importa nt than mem b e r s hip in specific associations, the little platoons, which of course conserva tives support. But the main focus for emerging socialism is on the social ills produce d by capitalism: In 1828 a radical mag azine, the lion , published the story of robert. At the factory at litton, to which blincoe was transferre d, the conditions were even worse.