FLSP 3060 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: El Ministerio Del Tiempo, Resta In Ascolto

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Gu a de estudios midterm flsp 3060 lecci n 1 taller de escritores y el. Please note that this is a sample of the format for the midterm. Besides studying the lexical and grammar points in lecci n 1, do go back over the two ministerio del tiempo episodes and familiarize yourself with the characters, places, and things (i. e. props) in them. Parts a and b will involve a listening script and reading (respectively) that you will not have seen before. This is testing your listening and reading skills in general. Lastly, the instructions for sections c & e will involve specified topics on the actual exam, though the task for each section will be the same. Parte 2: lectura (20 pts): lee la siguiente lectura y contesta las preguntas abajo en oraciones completas, l xico (20 pts): descripci n de lugares y objetos.