POLI 1090 Study Guide - Final Guide: Free Exercise Clause, Amicus Curiae, Federal Communications Commission

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-4th Amendment: Right to privacy of property - unreasonable search and
-8th Amendment: Prohibits the federal government from imposing excessive
bail, excessive fines, or cruel and unusual punishments
-14th Amendment: Defines national citizenship and forbids states from
restricting the basic rights of citizens
-19th Amendment: Gave women the right to vote
-Affirmative Action: An action or policy favoring those who tend to suffer from
discrimination, especially in relation to employment or education
-Agenda Setting: Theory of the ability of the media to influence the importance
placed on the topics of public agenda (more coverage = more important)
-Agreements at Constitutional Convention: - Limited national government
(separation of powers, checks & balances, federalism); Made a bicameral
-Amicus Curiae Brief: Filed to the Supreme Court by those who are interested
in a case but not a party to it
-Appointment Process for the Supreme Court: The president nominates
someone when there is an empty seat, and the Senate votes to confirm it
-Bill of Rights: First 10 amendments of the Constitution that protect individual
-Block Grants: Money provided by the federal government that can be used for
a wide range of things, not specified where it needs to go
-Brown v. Board of Education: Landmark case by the Supreme Court that
stated having segregated schools based on color was unconstitutional
-Categorical Grants: Money given to state/local governments that must be used
for specific things; has a lot of rules and conditions attached
-Checks & Balances: System used to keep the government from getting too
powerful in one single branch
-Civil War Amendments:
13th: abolished slavery and involuntary servitude
14th: defining national citizenship and forbidding states to restrict the basic
rights of citizens
15th: allowed everyone to vote, no matter skin color, previous conditions, etc.
-Clientele Agencies: Carry out functions that benefit a particular group (Dept of
Agriculture, Labor, Education, etc.)
-Closed Primary: An election in which only those voters who registered with a
party a specified period before Election Day can participate
-Conference Committee: Created temporarily to work out compromises on
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Document Summary

4th amendment: right to privacy of property - unreasonable search and seizures. 8th amendment: prohibits the federal government from imposing excessive bail, excessive nes, or cruel and unusual punishments. 14th amendment: de nes national citizenship and forbids states from restricting the basic rights of citizens. 19th amendment: gave women the right to vote. Af rmative action: an action or policy favoring those who tend to suffer from discrimination, especially in relation to employment or education. Agenda setting: theory of the ability of the media to in uence the importance placed on the topics of public agenda (more coverage = more important) Agreements at constitutional convention: - limited national government (separation of powers, checks & balances, federalism); made a bicameral legislature. Amicus curiae brief: filed to the supreme court by those who are interested in a case but not a party to it.